Tuesday, January 27, 2009

No Comments

I have been wondering why I have had absolutely no comments this year since starting this blog.  I just found them all and published them, my settings must have changed - Doh

Sorry for not replying, I couldn't find them!

I need to change my settings.

Will update again soon.

Deb xxx

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Skin Folds

Finally i'm progressing yay!!  My target was to drop 5mls in nine days, I ended up dropping 5.5mls!  I'm happy with the results as I worked hard towards achieving my mini goals.

I'm happy more so because this time everything came together, I feel leaner, i've dropped weight on the scales and the skin folds show a drop.

So after a few changes to my nutrition and cardio I have now to focus on what I need to do and hope that the new targets set before me fall into place.  My new goals are for a 3ml drop every week.  I will see JD again in two weeks time.

Cardio is still pretty easy paced most days but I also get to do some intervals which I love, problem is squeezing in the time to do it, and now it's a little longer, but I just have to push through this, it's not permanent, it's only for a few weeks (18), I can manage my time if I plan ahead and if I get enough sleep through the week, to many 4am wake up's!

I have to say, JD is so precise in every aspect of the prep, I am really experiencing something different with him and it's all good.  I'm really looking forward to seeing what's under the fat!

My biggest drop in skin folds today came from my quads, I knew it would as I could see a difference in then as they are starting to look my defined.  It's weird how my legs come in first!  But my lumber area had a drop too, this is my body's favorite place to hold fat and where I lose it last so a little drop there now is a great thing!

I have been reading blogs most days but not leaving comments (sorry), will start leaving comments soon.


My Rainbow

Your rainbow is shaded green.


What is says about you: You are an intelligent person. You feel strong ties to nature and your mood changes with its cycles. Those around you admire your fresh outlook and vitality.

Find the colors of your rainbow at spacefem.com.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

19 Weeks Out

 Well it seems I survived last week fairly well :-)
I got all my cardio and training in and my nutrition is spot on.
I'm starting to feel more in the prep zone.

Everyday we learn something new about ourselves, it is never ending and I believe that what makes life so wonderful.
Prepping for a competition really makes you learn so much about yourself.
I learn to take more control of my life when i'm in prep, must be because everyday needs to be thought of ahead of time so everything gets taken care of regardless of what it is!

I'm still learning to take more control over my stress over the comp prep period and I bring this up because every prep I have done I have caused undue stress on myself over the littlest things!  I can't believe how much I have changed and how much more control I now have to say "it's okay, there is another way around this" and if there is no way around it, then nothing can be done about it anyway so why stress?  This change in my way of thinking has made me more clam and less likely to cause elevated cortisol!  Let's hope I can stick it out all the way through too and passed comp day :-)

On the weekend I started looking at song choices, oh boy this is freaky stuff, too many to choose from but nothing I like.  I did manage to find one I really like but it's very slow and it would mean a slow, flowing routine.  It might just have to do.  You know how much I dislike this part of the competition, I wish it were optional at every comp, I wouldn't do it!  Yet another challenge for me to take on I guess :-)

Hope everyone is well.

Debs xxx

Monday, January 12, 2009

20 weeks out and a few steps backwards!

Yesterday I woke up with a bad stomach virus.  I was bedridden.  Every muscle in my body ached like mad and I had no energy to even walk!  My stomach was in pain.  After a day and night of rest and sleep I was able to get back to work today, it must have been a 24 hour virus.

It's funny because I remember starting my prep back in 2007 and going through the same virus but it last 3 days, weird.  Anyway i'm getting better :-)

I had my skin folds taken today and I have gone up, not good for 20 weeks out.  But I was expecting this and we now have plans and goals to reach on a weekly basis.  My weight has actually dropped 1 kilo though, strange.  All these numbers, not what i'm used to when prepping, not sure I like doing it this way but I have too.  So the plan is to drop 5ml by next week (Thursday), see what I can pull out of my magic hat ;-)

Since the 5th of Jan I have been on target, I will continue to move along the way I always have when prepping because the results will show, I will stand on stage no more then 30mls, it will all come together :-)

I'm still juggling my training and cardio around work, it's a real challenge but nothing in life is easy is it?  The most amazing thing I have taught myself (don't ask me how) is not to stress!  Instead of freaking out because I can't train on Tuesday, I now say to myself "that's okay, I can train Wednesday instead, easily fixed"!  No point in being so anal about what day I train a certain body part, time to chill a bit, saves loads of stress, wish I was like this before.

Will visit soon,

P.s. I picked up two more super duper clients this morning :-)

Sunday, January 4, 2009


Today I went back over my last comp prep diary, I logged weekly details of everything including things like weight, nutrition, training, cardio, headspace and more.  I also looked at the weekly photo's from 12 weeks out to 1 week out.  Doing this really puts things into perspective for me and I am so thankful I took the time out to record my entire prep.

This being the longest I have gone without competing and being in the off season for a little over a year has made me realize that it will take a little bit of time to get my head back into prep mode.  I have flicked the switch and am ready to go but it feels kinda different to before, hard to explain.

I have prepped three times before and they were pretty much back to back so I was always in the zone.  This time it's taking time to "feel" in the zone even though I know i'm in it.

I am so excited about the transformation, I simply can't wait to be lean and cut again and to see what gains I have made.  I am 21 weeks out, loads of time to come in without stress.  In the past I used to prep from 16 weeks out.

Comp fever has all ready started for 2009 :-)

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Oh Boy!

I think that image says it all!  I have been "out of control" with my eating over the last week.  It started at Christmas Eve and continued until last night!
Even though I know I have undone alot of really hard work in that time I still feel guilt free.  I haven't let go like that in a VERY long time, over a year now or longer, I can't even remember.

I'm excited about my prep, it's now "game on" and I will be right to go now.  I have everything out of my system now lol, have eaten some pretty yummy foods in the last few days but am over it, plus the "all or nothing" behavior has clicked back over to the correct switch :-)

The buzz of competing is getting around the blogs already and I am getting so excited, I never thought I would have had a year off and am so glad that I did but I just can't wait to start transforming, it's the most exciting part of this whole process.

I have a feeling that the next few months are going to fly by so I really need to stay on top of things, stay in control, this is the most important thing, control!!!!

Now I must get this excess weight off before I see JD again Arghh!!
