Tuesday, May 19, 2009

My Rambles On Where I'm At

Walking into to see Jon Davie for my weekly skinfolds was a different feeling today. I guess I felt confident about the results due to how much I have progressed in the last week. I could feel the change and I could see it and the skinfolds confirmed that.
I am now sitting in a good place condition wise for 1.5 weeks out, having said that I still have my work cut out for me but that's okay as I now know I will be making it to the stage, I have passed the point of no more self doubt, it feels great to finally be here.

The ANB will be a huge event with awesome athlete's competing on the day, I look forward to having a fun day and trying so hard not to stress about anything. I am just stoked to have the opportunity to compete there that day and look forward to having Dallas capture the moment so I have these awesome pictures to look back onto and remember all the work that went into me being in that condition on the day.
The ANB will also be a day that I hope will help calm my nerves for the following day at the WNBF. So hopefully by the following day I would have less or no stage fright lol.
But I must say in the last day or so I am feeling a little more at ease about the ANB. This comp was freaking me out because I know that some of the best figure girls will be there on the day and I didn't want to look at of place.
I have come to my senses, i'm there for me, with my physique and my improvements and if I worry about anything else im not going to enjoy my day and have fun, what is the point in all this hard work then? So I go into both comps with no expectations, therefore no disappointments. I will learn more about things after that weekend as I do after every competition as they are never the same, so much to learn and always will be.

I am very curious to see the end result after speaking with JD today about what we are doing for the final week leading in, I haven't quite done it that way before and can't wait until the big day. I'm in good hands, I trust my coach more the ever.

By the way, my boobs are holding up well (pardon the pun), 1.5 weeks out and no sign of rippling, in fact they still look really natural, hang in there girls lol. I can't wait to get my bikini to see what I look like, i'm sure it will all come together really well.

So I leave on a good note and stay on a good vibe :-) It's great to be back in the right headspace, feels like i've been gone for too long!

Hugs Always,

Deb xxx

P.s. Thanks again Lia for your support every Wednesday post skinfolds, you have helped me hang in there over the rough patches yet again. Talk to you next week ;-)


Anonymous said...

Darlin' I've been here beside you right from the start and I wouldn't want to be anywhere else. You've done so well all things considered and I am so proud of you. I can't wait to see the end result, you're going to blow me away. Now you can sit back and enjoy the rest of this ride, you have earnt it! :o) xxx

SeLiNa said...

Hey Deb!!
Was nice to finally meet you last weekend :) Thanks heaps for all your support and calming me when I first walked in - I was freaked out! lol
I didn't realise you were doing the ANB - I thought just the Sunday comp. I've held off registering for the same reason - just the fact that its the Asia Pacifics is intimidating for a lil ol' novice like myself. BUT it's all about the experience for me. You've got a good plan, it will relax you for your big one on Sunday!!
Look forward to seeing you there again!! :))

SeLiNa said...

Well, after all my waffling in that last comment, things have changed!! I've blogged it all, but I'm not going to be down at the ANB next weekend.
All the best Debs, I can't wait to see pics and hear about how much FUN you had!!!

Anonymous said...

this is all great news i knew you lean to finally believe in you and what you know all along you can do !love max (darkangelmx5@gmail.com)