Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Update Time

I guess things seem worse then what they really are when prepping, yes I knew this but I was thinking the worst regardless.  I was actually thinking I might not make it to the stage end of next month but with continued hard work and focus I can actually get there.

After seeing Jon Davie today he pin pointed two reasons for my drained body situation. The first is what I mentioned, lack of sleep and the other is my cardio, I haven't followed his prescription totally.  He has structured my cardio around my meal plan so the fact I have gone slightly higher on my intensity has left me with nothing to function on.  The reason I did this was due to lack of time, I thought it best to do more in half the time when I didn't have a whole hour to spare, this back fired.

As of today I will structure my cardio and sleep times as number one priority to see how things go.

Lacking sleep and doing more cardio then my meal plan allows has caused my cortisol levels to rise and I must avoid this at all costs.

I did have a 2.5ml body fat drop in the two weeks, although it doesn't seem like much it was good as it came off my lumber and thigh, just where I need it to go from :-).  I also dropped about 2kgs in that time aswell.

I'm still a little frightened about not getting lean enough for the shows but will do my very best to keep at it, I can't stop trying as I have worked way to hard for this, it has been difficult and I now need to stop being so darn afraid to say that I deserve to stand on stage and shine on the day as I would have earned it big time :-)

I need to slow down, pull back on that throttle and trust in my coach as he is an amazing guy.

Deb xxx


Vix said...

Hey Deb,

Awesome work! 2.5mm might not sound like so much but the leaner you get the harder it is to come off so well done.

I think you nailed it when you said that you know you need to trust in JD - he does awesome things and knows his stuff...and it's great that you see that you need to prioritise the important things (EG REST!!)

Good luck with the next few weeks, it's gonna fly by!! And know that you absolutely deserve to get up on that stage and ROCK IT!!!

Vic xx

Stephanie Davis said...

sounds like your head is in the right space Deb and you have a great plan to prioritise your sleep and cardio. take care of yourself lovely

Claudine said...

So much happens in a month... and even more in the last month. You will be more than fine :) Keep focusses. You will be proud of yourself... I already am :P

Em said...

Smashing work hun :)

Stay positive hun, you DO deserve it big time!

Have a great day hun :)